UA’s One Health initiative faces uncertainty amid federal funding cuts
The University of Arizona’s One Health Initiative, which studies the connections between human, animal, and environmental health, faces uncertainty due to federal funding cuts.

Jack Reser / Arizona Sonoran News
The University of Arizona School of Public Health launched the One Health Initiative in 2020 to fight future health issues in Arizona and around the world.
That work could help prevent or respond to future pandemics. It also faces new uncertainty after funding cuts implemented by the administration of President Donald Trump.
The One Health Initiative was created to find connections between human, animal, and environmental health by bringing together experts in different areas of public health. It includes professors who specialize in public health, epidemiology, and environmental health sciences.
Collaboration and teamwork between the departments are necessary to study and address health issues and benefit the approach to new diseases and health problems, said Kristen Pogreba-Brown, an associate professor in epidemiology and biostatistics at UA who works directly with the One Health Initiative.
“It’s important to have that teamwork because a lot of times you have different language, and I think in public health it has to be a common playground for everybody,” she said.
The initiative is currently working to further develop One Health research and provide students with hands-on opportunities to learn about public health and its community-wide impact.
The initiative focuses on Arizona-based problems, but the research is used around the globe.
“There is one project right now in collaboration with the Pima Animal Care Center that is looking at antibiotic resistance because with zoonotic diseases we worry about transmission between animals to people,” Pogreba-Brown said.

Research with local organizations is key for the initiative and its testing with animals, she said. The One Health Initiative’s collaboration with animal centers like the PACC is necessary for antibiotic research, pandemic prevention, and finding zoonotic diseases early.
The One Health Initiative is also investigating climate issues that face Arizona and their potential impacts on certain diseases and public health at large.
Mason Karlin, a senior studying public health, said he enjoys learning about the connection between climate and health.
“I have found it super interesting how climate and the environment affect our health. It’s interesting to see how things like temperature, air quality, and even water can impact disease and the way people live,” he said.
That research could be affected by federal funding cuts made by the Trump administration. The One Health Initiative relies heavily on public funding, Pogreba-Brown said. Potential funding cuts impact their research and, in turn, students and the community.
“This is one of the most unprecedented times in science ever. As a researcher, we don’t pay rent on laboratory use and other things, and all of that is taken care of with grants,” Pogreba-Brown said.
She said funding from the National Institutes of Health helps cover One Health’s expenses but noted hers is just one of many UA programs that will be impacted.
Emma Noelle, a sophomore studying public health, said she’s concerned about the potential cuts.
“The research we’re doing is very important for not just my experience but everyone, because it could help us understand and prevent future disease outbreaks in our own community. If funding gets cut, that could put people’s health at risk,” she said.
But while the Trump administration’s spending cuts are causing concern among many in the science community, current progress and research goals at the UA School of Public Health and the One Health Initiative have not yet felt those impacts.
Whatever comes, Pogreba-Brown said she and others with the initiative are committed to studying antibiotic resistance and other vital health issues facing Arizonans and people around the world.
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