Dual citizenship with Mexico gains momentum in Southern Arizona
With threats of mass deportations from incoming president Donald Trump, many people believe that securing their dual citizenship is more important than ever.
With threats of mass deportations from incoming president Donald Trump, many people believe that securing their dual citizenship is more important than ever.
The initiative combines land management and sustainability, leveraging goats as a natural, less invasive tool.
Libraries have to purchase each individual copy of each title they want to offer as an ebook, which come at a steep markup and are time or loan-limited.
The Watershed Management Group received an Arizona State Forestry Community Challenge Grant in 2023 to help fund the Native Edible Tree project, which focuses on native edible education.
Una pareja de Tucson está luchando por los derechos de los miembros indocumentados de la comunidad, pero ellas mismas también son indocumentadas, lo que añade incertidumbre sobre las promesas de deportaciones masivas de Trump.
One Tucson couple is fighting for the rights of undocumented community members, but they themselves are also undocumented, adding uncertainty about Trump's promises of mass deportations.
Al comenzar su séptimo año, el programa Giffords Courage Fellowship se ha ampliado este año para presentar cohortes específicas de cada estado, comenzando con Arizona y Texas.
Entering its 7th year, the Giffords Courage Fellowship program has expanded this year to introduce state-specific cohorts, starting with Arizona and Texas.
For every dollar spent at a farmers market, 60 to 80 cents is reinvested locally. This is much higher than chain stores, where only 15 to 30 cents stays in the local economy.