Defensora de Tucson inspira esperanza y acción en medio de la crisis climática
En 2023, Adriana Bachmann se unió a la Comisión de Clima, Energía y Sostenibilidad de la ciudad, donde actualmente se desempeña como vicepresidenta.
En 2023, Adriana Bachmann se unió a la Comisión de Clima, Energía y Sostenibilidad de la ciudad, donde actualmente se desempeña como vicepresidenta.
During the 2021-2022 school year, SARSEF worked with 160 schools and 27,815 students – 71% from underserved communities.
Ante las amenazas de deportaciones masivas del presidente entrante Donald Trump, muchas personas creen que asegurar su doble ciudadanía es más importante que nunca.
In 2023, Adriana Bachmann joined the city’s Commission on Climate, Energy and Sustainability, where she currently serves as vice chair.
Tucson Run Club is a space where runners of all levels can make connections with like-minded individuals, free of charge.
La iniciativa combina la gestión de la tierra y la sostenibilidad, aprovechando las cabras como una herramienta natural y menos invasiva.
With threats of mass deportations from incoming president Donald Trump, many people believe that securing their dual citizenship is more important than ever.
The initiative combines land management and sustainability, leveraging goats as a natural, less invasive tool.
Libraries have to purchase each individual copy of each title they want to offer as an ebook, which come at a steep markup and are time or loan-limited.