Critical issues drive Pima County voters to polls
With steady foot traffic at many local polling places, Pima County’s Election Day voter turnout was strong and included many first and second-time voters.
17 posts
With steady foot traffic at many local polling places, Pima County’s Election Day voter turnout was strong and included many first and second-time voters.
La Serie Internacional se desarrolla desde hoy hasta el domingo en el Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium. Es la primera serie de temporada regular que se juega en Estados Unidos.
The International Series runs today through Sunday at Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium. It's the first regular season series to be played in the U.S.
Scroll down for links to individual stories about the various candidates, propositions and campaigns. We'll keep updating the list as we add new content.
La carrera por el puesto de Sheriff del condado de Pima cuenta con el actual demócrata Chris Nanos y su rival, Heather Lappin, una teniente del departamento.
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The race for Pima County Sheriff features incumbent Democrat Chris Nanos and his challenger, Heather Lappin, a lieutenant within the department.
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